Purchase of used medical equipment And Sales

Fair Medical Co Ltd.
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Assisting Relocation / Closure

Close support for relocation / closure assistance

Complete work for troublesome work

Due to relocation or closing, various disposal items will be dispelled.

It is very troublesome and time consuming to arrange different purchase / collection disposal companies, such as medical equipment · OA related equipment · fixtures · fixtures · industrial waste · medical waste · more recently processing of personal information documents etc It takes time and cost.
We receive complicated work all at once, we will accept collection of disposable items and purchase from medical equipment to various waste disposal on a one-stop basis.

Moreover, you can receive purchase price when purchase price exceeds disposal price.

Removal and Discharge Cases

Umeda Sky Building Tower East

Umeda Sky Building Tower East Photo
Name Umeda Sky Building Tower East
Rank 7th Floor
Place Osaka prefecture Osaka city Kita-ku
Season November 2016 ~
Contents Carrying out MRI

Yodogawa Christianity Hospital

Yodogawa Christianity Hospital Photo
Name Yodogawa Christianity Hospital
No of Beds 630
Place Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
時期 November 2012

Removal of medical equipment Purchase, dismantling and taking out of kitchen equipment, office equipment, etc.

Purchase, removal, carry-out Personal computer etc

OA equipment data erasing order documents, etc.

Disposal arrangements arrangements Waste disposal arrangements

Other operations related to removal

Main Pickup Medical Equipment
  • ・MRI apparatus
  • ・CT apparatus
  • ・XX-ray TV
  • ・General imaging
  • ・Ultrasound diagnostic equipment
  • ・Endoscope related equipment
  • ・Rehabilitation related equipment
  • ・Surgery related equipment
  • ・Ophthalmology related equipment
  • ・Obstetrics and gynecology related equipment
  • ・Bed
  • ・Other medical equipment in general

Overseas Utilization of Medical Equipment Retrieved

1. We aim to become a company friendly to the earth through recycling of used medical equipment.

2. Contribute to the medical care of developing countries and share the joy of living with many people in good health.

Certifications & Membership

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Quick Contacts

  • ADDRESS ICON 1215, Izumi Kashiwa City Chiba 270-1456 Japan
  • TEL ICON +81-4-7199-7460
  • FAX ICON +81-4-7199-7461
  • MOBILE ICON +81-90-5205-2218
  • MOBILE ICON [email protected]